Saturday, July 26, 2008

Standard XML Sitemap Plugin

Most of Wordpress sitemap plugin is generate a sitemap file into your host. I created a Standard Sitemap Plugin just generate a xml when it need. It's like XML feed. The plugin work like XML feed. It's no file generated. It's automatic generate when need. It's also add sitemap url or your sitemap location  into current robots.txt that allow search engine crawling. No option required just install and live. The plugin is compatible with WordpressMU user too.

Installation for Wordpress User

1. Upload 'xml-sitemap.php' to the '/wp-content/plugins/' directory
2. Upload 'feed-sitemap.php' to the '/wp-content/includes/' directory
3. check your sitemap url like

Installation for WordpressMU User

1. Upload 'xml-sitemap.php' to the '/wp-content/mu-plugins/' directory
2. Upload 'feed-sitemap.php' to the '/wp-content/includes/' directory
3. check your sitemap url like

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I change the sitemap name/URL?
No. The sitemap was defined as sitemap.xml. Your sitemap url should be

I found no sitemap file in my blog?
The sitemap is generate when it need. No file created.

Where can I custom the xml output?
You may custom the XML output with feed-sitemap.php.

Do I need change my robots.txt?
No. It's will add your sitemap url into your robots.txt when plugin actived.

Download Wordpress Standard XML Sitemap Plugin


Ben said...

I think it's a nice plugin which required very little configuration, but it fails when using FeedBurner_FeedSmith_Plugin. sitemap.xml will then be redirected to the URL given in that addon (example of a not working sitemap on my page). Do you have a solution for that?

FeedSmith with sitemap.xml at Xyphor said...

[...] time I won from technique. FeedBurner FeedSmith plugin redirect all my feeds to a predefined URL, Standard Sitemap Plugin generates a xml like a feed. I see a problem there, don’t you? You want all feeds to be [...]

Jimmy said...

Hello there.

Interesting. But is there a maximum number of posts listed in the sitemap.xml ?

I have thousands of posts on my blog, but the sitemap only shows about 250 posts.


nicholas said...

submitted the sitemap to google via web tools
unfortunately google didn’t like the date format

An invalid date was found. Please fix the date or formatting before resubmitting

2008-10-07T19:35:50 +0000

any ideas


Google reveals more linking secrets to webmasters - SEO Experts Tips said...

[...] a 301 Redirect if you have permanently moved any webpages. Again, there is stressed the need for a sitemap as this can be very helpful for both your visitors and robots to see and find all your valuable [...]

谦卑的程序员 » Blog Archive » Wordpress mu的Google Sitemap插件 said...

[...] 问题: 在作者的站点,有几位用户留言提到了两个主要的问题:一个是日期格式如’2008-10-07T19:35:50 +0000’当中的空格会导致Google Webmaster Tools提示Invalid Date的警告信息(这个问题很奇怪的在我的两个站点中只有一个提示)。一个是sitemap.xml列出的post数量太少。 对此一位名叫sirjoe的用户给出了他的修改。文章是用意大利语写的,但代码就是最好的交流语言。 [...]

Patrick said...

Where the folder that you install the plugin? I think you are duplicated install. If you using WordpressMU just install the file in folder mu-plugins/.

Jeanie said...

Hello, I have Esther theme. I was wondering if I can change picture on header for each page, same website. I like clean design of Esther

Umesh said...

Thanks for the great plugin.
Thanks Sirjoe. That was very helpful.

Menambahkan plugins sitemap di wordpress MU | Kusprayitna Blogs said...

[...] Standar XML sitemap untup WPMU, disini sudah cocok untuk WPMU, jadi tidak perlu [...]

st3vieray said...

just a simple note: It looks like the newer 2.7 builds of wpmu use a $_theme_template variable to find the directory for 2. Upload ‘feed-sitemap.php’ to the ‘/wp-content/includes/’ directory

If you get a php require failure after installing the plugin just move the file into ./wp-includes/feed-sitemap.php and it should work.

BTW great plugin. i use it on all my blogs

Steve said...

@sirjoe, thanks for the fix to the data problem. That worked perfect!

sitemap plugin for WPMU | 跟随网 - 公开的微客 said...

[...] 作者: admin 分类: wordpress/MU 标签: 评论 (0) Trackbacks (0) 发表评论 [...]

WordPress mu的sitemap解决方案 | WordPress said...

[...] 问题:   在作者的站点,有几位用户留言提到了两个主要的问题:一个是日期格式如’2008-10-07T19:35:50 +0000′当中的空格会导致Google Webmaster Tools提示Invalid Date的警告信息(这个问题很奇怪的在我的两个站点中只有一个提示)。一个是sitemap.xml列出的post数量太少。   对此一位名叫sirjoe的用户给出了他的修改。文章是用意大利语写的,但代码就是最好的交流语言。 [...]

Menambahkan plugins sitemap di wordpress MU « Arif rohman hakim said...

[...] Standar XML sitemap untup WPMU, disini sudah cocok untuk WPMU, jadi tidak perlu [...]

Leandro said...

Tested on WPMU 2.9.2, it's working very well.