Sunday, July 27, 2008

Pressthor in Wordpress Theme Directory

I just submit my PressThor theme to Wordpress Theme Directory, from now you may download from the directory. The theme is compatible with WordpressMU.

3 comments: said...

Pressthor in Wordpress Theme Directory - Patrick Chia...

Theme based wordpress 2.5 style...

Sergey said...

Hi Patrick, I like to use your theme Esther ! But one question about RSS widget. I try to add RSS to right column, but after save change I get error of unknown RSS. And RSS doesn't appear on the blog& Or may be it is not theme mistake ?
Thank you in advance

chris said...

i am using your esther theme and want to ask you if it is possible to somehow
add an upper menue bar as i do not want to use the "site" widget to display all "necessary" static pages like imprint,about and also home is missing.
thanks for an info in andvance